Before his ascension, Jesus gave the church the Great Commission - a vital, God glorifying, mission to spread the Gospel of Christ, and to make disciples from all corners of the world (Matt 28:19-20). The Scriptures reveal that this commandment is not solely for pastors or elders but is the responsibility of every Christian as an ambassador of Christ (2 Cor 5:20). In 1 Peter, we are given insight into God's motive for saving a people for His own possession - "so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9)." Therefore, the purpose of the Local Outreach ministry at Shepherd’s House Bible Church is to continue the evangelizing efforts of spreading the Gospel, and forming disciples of all nations, starting within our own community (Luke 24: 46-47).
The Outreach ministry seeks create a culture of evangelism by instructing, equipping and providing ministry opportunities (Eph 4:11-13) to Shepherd’s House members for the obedient and joyful pursuit of the Great Commission by taking the Gospel to our community (Matt 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).
Neighborhood outreach
prison outreach
Children’s Hunger fund
international student outreach
Neighborhood outreach
Our desire is to build meaningful relationships with the neighbors right around us in hopes of proclaiming the Gospel through intentional, door-to-door evangelism, and inviting them to Shepherd's House. Our efforts are focused on spreading the message of hope and love that the Gospel brings, while also addressing the unique needs and concerns of our neighbors.
Prison outreach
We proclaim the Gospel message and offer biblical guidance to the inmates of the Arizona State Prison through prayer, regular visits, Bible studies, and one-on-one mentorship. By engaging with inmates on a personal level, we hope to foster discipling relationships and Christian community within the prison walls.
International student outreach
We serve the international students at ASU by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ through personal relationships and gatherings. We foster relationships by outreaching with community events, skill building in homes and monthly potlucks; all while sharing what the Gospel of Christ has done in our lives. By planting seeds of faith, we pray for lives to be transformed and for God’s name to be glorified among the nations.
Children’s hunger fund
Children's Hunger Fund serves side-by-side with neighborhood outreach to provide food for hungry families that need the hope of the Gospel. Our desire is to step into the homes of families in need by bringing Food Paks to satisfy their physical needs, with hopes of sharing the Gospel to address their greatest spiritual need. Are you in need of food? Fill out the form below.