Tuesday nights

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Valley Christian | Tempe
6101 S. River Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283


We exist to CONNECT: Our team is passionate about having a weekly environment that connects students with leaders they can trust and a community they can grow with.


We exist to DISCIPLE: With parents at the helm, our team seeks to partner with the home and provide support through meaningful conversation, mentorship, and care.


We exist to DEPLOY: In a world full of lies, we provide students with the timeless truth of Scripture and deploy them to stand against the world and worship the Lord with their lives.


Our Mission

Jr. High & High School students need clear truth and a place to belong. Our student ministry exists to connect with students, disciple them in truth, and deploy them in today’s culture with a firm foundation. Students that are old enough to be berated with lies through the media are old enough to hear the timeless truth of Scripture. We don’t see them as a distant future of the church, they are the church.

Jr. High gathers every week on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm. We spend time in fellowship, digging into God’s word, and breaking up into age and gender specific small groups. Join us to engage in community, learning and intentional discussion!

Valley Christian | Tempe
6101 S. River Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283

JR High (6th-8th grade)

Our High School students meet every week at 6:30pm on Tuesday nights. We structure this time to foster deep and meaningful community under the teaching of God’s Word. After a time of games and fellowship, the Word is taught before students break up into age and gender specific small groups. During this time, students will spend time in prayer, discussion, and meditation on the Word while building intentional relationships with the brothers or sisters in their small groups.

Valley Christian | Tempe
6101 S. River Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283

High School (9th-12th grade)


We send out monthly newsletters and personal updates on a regular basis! Use this form to join our parent mailing list so that you can stay up to date with all that is going on in and with Shepherd’s Students!

Aaron shaCkelford

Student Ministry Director